Coaching Be Present on the Path at Apositiva

Where does coaching come in with being present?

Being present isn’t just standing in place, listening to a phone meeting, and staring. It’s about unplugging and paying attention.

To hear the forest, you need to unplug from your phone and listen. Hear the birds? Rustle of the tall trees, brushing against another tree, playing a symphony? Is there a brook near by?
Stand still. What do you see? What is happening around you right now … and now … and now?
Turn around. Close your eyes. Is there something else … and how is that affecting you? Where does your mind go?
Feel the breeze? Or no breeze?

Walk through the forest and be totally present. Hear the difference. See the difference. Feel the difference.

Be with a person. Unplug your phone. Listen. See. Feel. Notice.

Coaching – Be Present on the Path

Growing Coach Training is a workshop to be coached and learn how to coach. Cat Wilson created this board certified program to assist everyday people and professionals in coaching with intuition, connection, and creativity.

Witnessing people grow in coaching is her passion, and teaching others how to coach is what this workshop is about.


Join Cat Wilson at Apositiva in Portland, Oregon for Growing Coach Training, starting September 1st. An online webinar August 29th will introduce the program. Sign up now by clicking here. Or call now 503-525-0595.