In looking over my journals from the past decade, and talking to lots of clients, I realized that the question of “Who am I?” came up several times. More from earlier years, as we explore in time and questions are answered in our story… and our deeds. Yet, on a walk in the healthy, growing forest which brings satisfying awakening in the solace of the budding trees, I found myself wondering how many women and men ask themselves that question… even past the time of maturity.
Reviewing your interests can tell you something about yourself. For instance, over the years movies with incredibly flexible women would portray an activity like martial arts or running or yoga. So, venturing off to the local community college, I visited the realm of Tai Chi and practiced several times a week. It is becoming a part of my practice and I realize now that it has a sense of balance, body-mind focus, and philosophy. All of these attributes have interested me all my life. So, in scoping out my “me” it seems that part of my epistomology, my knowing what I know, is what I like.
Journals can be wonderful reads to discover who you are. They bring a new perspective to what was happening, experienced in time. Perhaps it is a delicious discovery of love, an awakening of values, a trek through the swamplands of life, or the accomplishment of a project long desired, dreamed and delivered.
Taking the time to be quiet… like the walk in the forest… can bring to the surface what you care about, what you hunger for, challenges you face, patterns that you wear, and maybe even… a new perspective … a better approach to life… in hind sight. Yes, you can discover who you are today. Remember, however, we are beings of change and life does not stand still.
The greatest gift in becoming who you are is that you can always make a positive change and move in another direction, redirect, turn-a-round, add a new dimension. As long as there is a question, there is a purpose to play more in life, to wake up, to work, to do deeds, to explore our passions. So, let’s all go play and become our highest and best selves.
One opportunity available for all of you exploring like me, is the Dream Coaching Class that will be starting soon. Marci Nemhauser will guide us as we explore more of what we dream and design. Did you know that the Latin word “desire” actually comes from the Latin de and sidus, “to have lost one’s navigational star”? In reading through my journals I actually realized that there’s a big galaxy of stars and in my journey, my trek, sometimes I like to visit new galaxies… need to re-navigate… find the star that makes me most happy! Maybe it’s time for you, too?
On Tuesday, May 3rd, from 5:30 – 7:30pm I’ll be online with Marci in Dream Coaching. Marci guides this special time online for those of us on the road to self discovery and flight into our dreams! All those who sign up by April 1st get $100 off the training class fee! I so hope to see you on the road to discovering who you are, too. – Cat Wilson

Who Am I?