Find Your Heart by R.H.Wilson

Find Your Heart by R.H.Wilson

It’s the time of year when people start seeing hearts everywhere.  Cards from friends, lovers, and family. You can even find a heart symbol on your keyboard or mobile phone for texting! It’s the “love letter” of the keyboard. Maybe you can see the heart in this photo of the plant. How about seeing your own heart?
Last night, I attended a talk by Tom McLaughlin and he presented his  book “100 Ways to Love Yourself … And Why It Matters to All of Us.” He talked about many things, and most of all his inspiration for learning how to give love to himself.
In our journey in life, we have many needs: Air, water, food, warmth, and on and on. Love is something that we need most of all, but many don’t get enough. I see people who are too busy to take the time to give themselves a quick hug, a sweet and relaxing moment, or appreciation for the challenges we move through in our day.  You may be managing your intellectual, physical and spiritual aspects and even having a moment for an emotional breakdown, but how about taking your heart out for a spin.

Write Your Love Letter

It is time to focus on you for a few moments. Would you be willing to give yourself some love, simply because you are you? Good.
Pick up a pen or something to write with and a piece of paper. You can even ask for a napkin if you are at a restaurant if you need paper. Now, begin it with your name in place of “Me” and “Yourself” and write with all your joy.  If you like, play music. Below is a quick example (feel free to use my words if they work for you).
Dear Me:
You are a precious person, and I love you!  You woke up this morning and did all the things you needed to, so that you could come this far. I know it’s not always easy, and yet you keep trying. I’m proud of you.  Ever since you were little I have loved the cute things you did and even the ideas that your creative little mind played. Even if it’s raining or cold outside, I will hold you inside where it is warm. “We are home together” and you will always have me. Remember that I am with you always. I love you.

Love Your Inner Child

Love Your Inner Child

Happy Valentine’s Day to You! Fold up your letter, put it in your pocket and give yourself a BIG HUG! If you are willing to share your love letters, because it made you feel good, I will lovingly post them on our website. Simply email them to
If  you want more ideas about happiness, loving yourself more, creativity, or coaching through a transition with a creative coach, remember that we are here for you. Want to “Resculpt Yourself,” Click here.  Yes! This is why we put a website up for you to find us, why we have private and cozy rooms for you to talk and be deeply heard, and a place where you can feel safe to move through life’s transitions.
You can come for sessions or attend fun workshops like Mindmapping and Hero’s Journey. If you don’t see it listed and want us to hold one of these classes soon, let us know.
Be the highest and best possible you!
Warmest regards, Cat Wilson