by Cat | Apr 26, 2018 | Blog, Coaching, Everyday Wisdom
Writing takes flight when all it needs is right. A stretch of the neck. Flex of the hands and fingers. Clearing of energy with rubbing the hands and face and shoulders. My cup of chamomile tea, nice and hot, sits on a reachable point on a small table called “Dave.” I...
by Cat | Dec 24, 2013 | Classes, NLP
Creating better ways to learn may change the way we all experience life. Let’s begin with a question: When are YOU at your best? Love science, art, music, sound, hands-on learning? Tradition has governed education for years. We use many of the same topics our...
by Cat | Jan 23, 2012 | Coaching, NLP, Uncategorized
Dreary to Dreamy – Part II The blog “Dreary to Dreamy” elicited so many responses and one person asked me to expand on it. So, here is another expansion on one aspect… creating the fuel to get you going. Given the circumstances you find...