You, Me and the Angels

You, Me and the Angel

We all have roles that we take on and personally I’m happy with all of my chosen roles. Sometimes it gets to be challenging and we find ourselves in need of support.  How do we get that support when we’re currently in the leader role?
In business, we might turn to a mentor. In our family we might turn to members of our family (like a parent, aunt, brother, or uncle etc.). Yet, sometimes there is an opening for one more viewpoint, one more piece of input, one more outside-the-box piece of advice from a higher place. Where to get that … hmmm … where oh where?
Nancy Walsch is a good friend and lives in Ashland, Oregon, and when I’m traveling from Portland, Oregon down to California we always get together!  I just returned from a week-long trip and stopped to see Nancy and her husband Robert. Nancy and Robert had many projects going, some life-changing. She’s amazingly open to personal help from angels, and she extends herself as an angel to others. She and I took time with eachother to talk about the events in our life and we reached out for one another’s input. It was good for me to get more insight with her. During my visit, she held a prosperity meeting, was moving to another house, and friends called with sad news about someone they both knew well. She held a steady pace … no matter what was happening. Then, she turned back to me and I listened to her and she listened to me.
After some time being around her in the midst of tornadoes of people and events, I realized it was time for me to get back on the road. Her husband took a photo of us … he smiled and said, “You two are Power Women.” I felt so amazing and loved.
“Power Women.”  It seemed appropriate when he said that, and we’ve been told that before. I thought it was because we both work with people and hold workshops in personal development. When I got home and looked at the photos I noticed the beautiful angel picture. It occurred to me that we both associated with angels in our work and here in a photo were the three of us together! Nancy, me and the Angel. Here was more power! You are never alone. In the midst of life, you may not see all who are there, but sometimes there is a hidden angel.
If you are a woman wanting to feel more courage and power, and you want more help in becoming you in the highest and best way, give me a call in Portland or call Nancy in Ashland. Let us help you to become the person you truly want to be. You aren’t alone anymore.