MindMapping for Happiness
Writing on the Wall is Fun! Expand your imagination, find useful solutions, develop greater creativity .
Workshops and personal sessions available.
NEXT: Saturday, June 19, 2021
TIME: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
PLACE: Apositiva
A process using color, images, and large paper to bring answers and ideas to your unique challenges.
Sign up for Mindmapping – $145 pays for workshop, materials, and more.
Earlybirds save $50 by signing up 30 days early. We appreciate “Earlybirds” as it helps us be better prepared. Thanks!
Mindmapping Earlybird
Visual Recording & Graphic Facilitation
Visual Thinking has grown and is a part of the process for businesses like Intel, The Standard, Tri-Met and more! How do we know? We worked with leaders of various levels in these and more companies and nonprofits to help them gather ideas and create visions that could be communicated to others. Similar to MindMapping, Visual Recoding and Graphic Facilitation are an extension to the creative thinking process. If you are a client of Cat Wilson or a student have you seen her playfully drawing on the wall?
- Creativity! Great minds rely on new ideas.
- Imagination! Challenging times call for new responses.
- Solutions! Problems that boggle the mind need creative pathways to answers.
Corporate Events
Tri-Met expressed a need to give their staff a tool to use for communicating and working through their unique needs. We presented the fun and experiential MindMapping workshop at an off-site location, meeting with a group of Tri-Met employees from different departments. Since we were delivering this training to a range of managers through varied professionals we made sure that everyone’s ideas were included. The end result was that everyone felt heard, ideas and input were all included, and the solutions that this imaginative group came away with astounded them!Contact us for rates.
Imagine how it would feel to find a tool that will work magic on your challenges!
It is powerful, fun and can be used by anyone for any use. Come for a workshop, schedule an appointment for a private mindmapping session, or call us for scheduling a business presentation for your next conference or meeting. You’ll never know how far you can go until you let loose and go for it. Apositiva Institute is your place for defining the highest and best you can be!
Apositiva Institute gives you the power to work your creative mind with fun and fulfilling experience using MindMapping.
Cat Wilson offers teaching one on one or in groups to experience this innovative process. Who is using it?
Group MindMapping
Apositiva Center regularly schedules group MindMapping and Visual Recording sessions. We draw on the wall in groups of 6-10, collaborate and share experiences that facilitate the most creative learning experience possible. Oh! And there are colored markers too. If you would like to learn about the next upcoming event, take look at our Event Calendar.
Individual Creativity
How about college solutions? A student received an e-mail from his financial adviser three weeks prior to returning to university that he would need an additional $7,000 for the next two semesters. What a shock! Especially since he had been informed three months earlier that not only did he have sufficient money from his loans, but that he would also receive a check for living expenses. He brought the problem to us and we asked, “Do you have an hour to mindmap this challenge?” “Yes!” he responded. We worked with him using this fantastic brainstorming technique. Some of the mindmap ideas were sort of crazy such as “become a gigolo” but then we did mot put any limits on the creative process. There is plenty of time to invite the “realist” and “critic” in after the “dreamer” has painted on the canvass.