Sliding Doors

Union Station with Flat StanleyHow would life be different if you had not missed the train? Recently we picked up an old movie called “Sliding Doors” with Gwyneth Paltrow. It’s a story about a woman whose life split when the doors of a subway car closed.  In one version of her life, she missed the train by a few seconds.  In the other version she happened to make the train by a few seconds.
Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you hadn’t missed an opening?  Let’s say you didn’t get the job. You were disappointed, but ended up taking a better one in a place where you wanted to live.
How about missing a stopping point on a bus, and not meeting your first wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend?  Let’s say you rushed to make it to an evening’s entertainment, only to find out it was sold out?  You walked away and found a seat at a café.  A person walked up to you and asked you if you wanted a free ticket in one of the front rows to see the main attraction. Oh, by the way, it came with an “after show special meeting with the stars.”

Philosophical Part

Have you ever stopped to wonder how your life would have been different had you done or not done something … by … even … a … few … minutes?
Take a moment and imagine you had done this on an eventful day. Visit the scene again. Look all around you and take it in.  Who is there that you are curious about and would like to meet?  Is there something you’d like to do… and you missed it before?  And… you don’t want to miss it like a sliding door.  Step into the scene and change it, so that an unexpected something wonderful can still happen.

Take Action

It’s not too late! What could happen in your life now?  What could happen if you decided to let yourself go through a different door this time? Have a different experience.  Slide through and find out! We wouldn’t want you to miss your train… this time.
Call and tell us about your “Sliding Door” story.
Text Cat Wilson at 503-816-5104  … Rich Aanrich 503-754-8226

Apositiva Center – 503-525-0595
Coaching Certification Training and Personal Sessions.

Union Train Station