BalanceDo you ever feel off balanced? Head too heavy? Body bumping? Maybe what you want is to “get your head on straight.” Where do you start?
Wanting is when you have expectations about having things in a certain way. It doesn’t feel like your life is happening that way right now. So, you are wanting to do something to make that happen.
Believing is having values that something is important and something needs to be that way. Maybe something you used to believe in isn’t true anymore or isn’t happening the way it used to. So you are reviewing and re-evaluating.
Maintaining is being able to keep it. You have a desire to take action. You have to continually feed the belief to keep it going. Maintaining takes a plan, effort, and consistent focus.
I am reviewing the way I can get my energy.  I want to get up at 6:00 in the morning and be wide awake and ready to go.  I used to believe that I could do this, and, in fact I used to, but now it takes longer. Now, I need to have that first BIG cup of coffee. There are some realities when you are not 20 years old anymore. Just because you used to go out drinking all night at 20, doesn’t mean that you can do that at 50 and beyond. You may need to change the way you intake and ingest food, drinks, and activity. Some thinking may need to be adjusted. Some adaptation is needed in mind and body.
Get Your Head On Straight
Start your day with a new posture. Sit down, close your eyes, and try this inspiration:
“I am wanting to feel more balanced and I believe I can by maintaining focus on a more balanced me with healthy thoughts and healthy habits. I start today and do my life with zest and balance. ”
Bottom Line
It’s up to you. Everything you do today becomes the you of tomorrow. If there is something  you can take away from reading this, let it be that you are worthy of a life with zest and balance. Get your head on straight and enjoy your life. When you know what you want and believe you can, you can find a way with motivation to maintain that wonderful you.  One of my connections on “Linked In” suggested that “harmony” seemed like a better word to use than “balance.”  I appreciate “harmony” on many levels, and especially love it in my life. So, with gratitude and joy I’d like to add harmony to the bottom line.

Get Your Head on Straight with Cat Wilson

Get Your Head on Straight with Cat Wilson

If you want more motivation, call us at Apositiva for an appointment. We can play together with Mind Maps to create what you want. Then we can review your beliefs with Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).  We find out how you maintain yourself by doing a Motivational Profile, so that you understand your personal style of how you get motivated. Get your head on straight now. Call and connect today.