Coach ClassBeing flexible is a good thing! I wish I would have had the opportunity to work with my instructors to push a class out, because life got busy. So, I’m granting that wish to my students! We are flexible.
Our Coach Training Program has been moved out from beginning March 11th to starting on the NEW DATE: May 13th.
This class is going to try a new approach. In the past we have taught all day Friday through Sunday, and people have done a little practice. This time, we are teaching from 9am – 1pm. In the afternoon (after lunch, of course) people can then practice from 2-4pm.
If the student has obligations, but can practice with others outside of class then they can go. Students will keep in touch through Webinars in between class dates.
If  you have held back to sign up, because the class was too soon, then GOOD NEWS! Growing Coach Training Begins May 13-15.
Call Cat as soon as possible to snag one of the spots still available. Call her directly at 503-816-5104 or the main training center 503-525-0595.
See you in class.