Beginnings and Endings
Yesterday, we received a notice from Marylhurst University that they were closing at the end of 2018. I felt sad. As an Alumni, I’ve been proud to support continuing education through the years with donations of time, money, and effort. When we see an institution make a choice like this, I feel it is one of the hardest decisions anyone can make.
There is a long history of 125 years with Marylhurst moving from school to college to university. Many of the graduates from around the world will be shocked. We will all be proud. You see, this school was special for many reasons. For all of us who will seek information on the closing, you can find it located here https://bit.ly/2k9ZJey.
When I think of Marylhurst University, I will remember a wonderful learning environment, compassionate instructors, creative education, and the type of experience you can only know as a MU student.
Beginnings and Endings
Everything has a beginning and ending. With that thought, I offer these words with my partners.
Sometimes when you look ahead,
Wisdom shows that what you’ve done or
where you are is complete.
Everything has a beginning and ending.
Thank you, Marylhurst University, from those who appreciated the education you provided for “ethical leaders of competence, conscience and compassion of all faiths to create a more just, humane and sustainable world.”
Cat Wilson, Richard Aanrich, and Cynthia Wilson of Apositiva
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