Women in BusinessAre you a woman starting a business? Would you like help from a sassy, fun, smart lady to get you started? Here’s your chance to explore with Tearei.
Tearei Locke came online to meet with our Growing Coach Training at Apositiva on Sunday. She spoke with the class about her passion to help women in business get going. My class was so excited after hearing her speak! Our Growing Coach Training Group will be putting their business details together November 8, 9 and 10th and Tearei is one of the experts to provide some assistance.
Let me tell you something about this amazing lady. Tearei’s been making websites for 20 years with her fine working partners. She’s been working with me since 2008 and helping me in learning how to connect better with you online. We speak weekly. Recently, she told me of her passion in helping women get up and going in business. Well, this got me excited! I know how it feels to work with entrepreneurs in coaching as well as having worked with them in design.
In my early years in business I owned a design firm  in California where I worked with my brother and many talented individuals to get people set up with new Corporate I.D.  I loved hearing their stories, about their new ideas, and seeing them grow. I have the same burning passion to see people become all they could possibly want to be and this is my focus, too. Women in particular have struggled with getting their ideas noticed and many wish they had someone to guide them.
I’d like to encourage you to talk to Tearei if you have an idea and want some help. You can contact Tearei at her email auntie.tearei@gmail.com or by phone at (503) 564-8019.