Cat Wilson sits in a writer’s hotel, absolved in thoughts, words, ideas of people. What kind of people? All kinds. Coming with Self Portraits of character, reflection, meaning, and comic resolve. Inspired by character and ideas, she wonders, “Who am I?” She ponders. Gathering a sense of inner knowing, she fondly reflects on women she knows and sends a question psychically, “Who are you … Sincerely?”
Virginia Woolf wrote with courage and independence, and in her own words “ardor and conviction.” (Reference A Room of One’s Own). She left the planet in 1941, and enhanced the minds of many women in ways to light the kindling of a writer’s potential flame … In particular women. Women through the ages were suppressed in society for their views and honest approaches to explain and disclose the reality their female experience, but also suppressed themselves. Why would women suppress something beautiful and wanting to be birthed not just of their bodies, but of their mind and creativity?
I ask myself this question, because I have met so many beautiful flames! In my practice I hear stories of people who are on roads of discovery of their life, growing character, and discovering their own words. Using their own words seems to be the challenge for many. Yet, why hold back? What is the cause? Is it a woman’s job or career where they cannot speak their mind due to the closed minds around them judging the woman for her disclosure? Is it just that others are so caught in the wonderland or fearful land that they cannot bear to see another person break free and explode with creativity and joy?
You may be a woman who is reading this now who realizes the truth of your own holding back. You may be daydreaming of what could have been fulfilling, fascinating, fantastic, fabulous … And then you “but” and “however” and release the dream before your kindling can catch fire and warm your spirit to the point of true light and enhancement. I wonder if I could grab your hand before you slide back down the hill and ask, “what if?” What if you just went away for a day or two and gave yourself quiet repose to be with your ember and feed your fire until your face warmed, your hands becoming nimble to do your important work, your art, and you stepped into your highest and best possible you with all the creative hunger now being fed by your action of silence to movement? Light up!
Young girls, inside and grown, walk in your own skin. Be present with “you.” Find a passion and run in the wind with your imagination, ideas, illumination and create what you feel and see and hear inside of you! This world can be so more more when you grow the seed of your being and extend your branches so that you take up residence in your time. Take into mind that I am not talking about getting pregnant and having a baby, although this is the choice of many. Realize that your creative powers extend beyond to art, music, helping, inspiring, and illuminating others with your light.
I worry about women who get lost in the world of men and forget that this journey of life also gave women a ticket to go where they want to go, be what they choose, and enjoy it all using female perspective. Sincerely.
Breathe in your air fully, not just partially, and fill your being with life as you are here now. Participate in what you as a woman can recognize and/or observe and give your vision and perspective in writing. Most of all, don’t think for a minute that this moment in time is to be wasted. When I hear, “I’m just killing time,” it hurts deep inside, because time invited you to the event. This is your event, here, honestly, heroically, or heart fully.
So. Who are you … sincerely from your female perspective? Meet me on our journey to share laughter, serious perspective or take action. You are so much more than you know, and we are all waiting to celebrate what you bring. Feel free to contact me when you are wanting more in your life. You can find me at or Apositiva In Portland, Oregon.