Nuts, Acorns, and Seeds

By Cat Wilson Calendars remind us, temperatures dip, leaves dress up in gold and red, and then it happens! An instinct, something inside. Feel that tingly twitch, the switch that flicks inside you? What does it say? How do you respond when the weather changes?...

Taxiphoria? Suffering is Optional

It’s that most wonderful time, when many of us have run out of extension time, and must task ourselves to do our taxes…OR NOT. (Rich’s Taxing Adventure!) For a little levity here is what a couple of wise people, before us, had to say about taxes: “What is the...

Seasonal Personal Changes

What happens when “The Autumns” blow in? by Cat Wilson Welcome to October, when in the Pacific Northwest trees change color from green to brilliant gold and orange, acorns drop and bushy-tailed squirrels and blue scrub jays vie for the fallen acorns. Summer blue...

OMG, A Test Tomorrow?

Chat with Cat We all go through tests in life. Learning new skills, applying for licenses, acceptance into an organization or board.  How do you do it? Some people don’t mind a simple quiz and some enjoy the challenge, and others simply detest tests. In...

Releasing Our Past…Gaining the Present & Future

By Cynthia Wilson This last weekend I went to Folsom, CA to clear out a storage unit that contained primarily ‘my stuff’ from my past. I had collected all sorts of things over a 6 year period in that region of California…and other items over a 32/33yr timeframe (AKA:...