
Cat Wilson, hanging art at Streff Gallery

Believe in the power and passion of your dreams. I did and it brought the “Invisible Man” and “Woman of Wonder” to view!
Many of you know about my journey from June 2015 to now in regaining a sense of drawing. Most of these sketches (over 670) were given to the people I drew.
I retained over 100 sketches for my own secret enjoyment and pleasure. It never occurred to me at the time that these personable sketches would be asked to appear in a gallery!

First Gallery Show


Woman of Wonder, Most Popular!

The Invisible Man and “The Woman of Wonder,” the most popular sketch, were in my first gallery show in October of 2016.
The Cafe Characters were hanging out at Streff Gallery in Marylhurst University for the month of October, 2016. Perhaps you were one of the people who came in October. Click here and you will find a map to Streff Gallery.
I want to thank those of you who attended my first show on Cafe Characters. I presented my journey with food, stories, and pictures.  People later told me that looking at these pictures opened a part of their being which was entertaining, and also enlightening that there is a whole world that many are missing.

A Big Thank You


Cat Wilson with Rich Aanrich and Cynthia Wilson

Thanks to the  wonderful people who gave life to my passion in drawing. People who sat with me while sketching, those who received the sketches, people who helped me set up the gallery, and give me advice on what to do, and all the people who made this possible. You are so much more than you know! You inspire joy! Thank you for joining me at Streff Gallery. You shine in my spirit, because you showed up. Life is about showing up. Love ya, Cat