Snapshot of 2014  - We Invite You to Click

Snapshot of 2014 – We Invite You to Click

Here’s Your Snapshot of 2014  – We Invite You to Click

How was 2013 for you? Did you make a difference? Would you make any changes in what you accomplished? What you chose? I wonder what would happen if we could look back on our year, take stock, and just use a “delete” button here … an “insert” here or there?
Using your internal camera, take a moment, envision what you want, and take Snapshot of 2014  – We Invite You to Click!  If there was one person with whom you could connect, imagine it! Make this the best snapshot of 2014. Begin a Happy New Year!

Here’s Your Snapshot

Now, while you are feeling passionate and excited, get your idea out, so you can fuel creativity.

Snapshot of 2014

My thoughts = My Life – Photo by Cat Wilson

Map ideas in the way you like best, which could be different depending on how you motivate. “Click!” Use your internal camera and gather ideas by:

  • Writing. Words inspire.
  • Mindmapping. “One picture is worth a thousand words.”
  • Creating visual. Treasure maps, using magazines, glue, you.
  • Recording.  Talk into recording devices. Listen to your voice.
  • Moving.  Walk, Dance, Play. Physical juices flow in movement.
  • Envisioning. Live with a snapshot of you celebrating! “Click!”

Delete: Unresourceful Beliefs

Did any “icky” or unresourceful (negative) belief words pop up in the internal camera of your mind?  How about “fears,” “uncertainty,” “impossibles”?  Okay, stop. “Delete”

Insert:  Compose Internal Camera of Beliefs

Here’s your snapshot of beliefs. If  “click”  is in your snapshot of 2014, this is “your purpose” for 2014.  Here’s your Snapshot of 2014  – We Invite You to Click! “new beliefs.”  Let’s make your snapshot of beliefs powerful enough to take action with new “self talk” in your internal camera of beliefs.
I  (name) ______________________________________________ point my internal camera on (issue) __________________________________________, and envision this better scene happening now (snapshot of 2014) __________________________________________,  because this is my purpose for 2014. I accomplish it by making a SMART plan. “Click!”

 Make a S.M.A.R.T.  Plan.

Snapshot of 2014 Goal

Snapshot of 2014 Goal

While it could take a week to complete the fundamentals of a good goal, here are the basic elements you want to incorporate in order to make your snapshot of 2014 work.

  • S – SPECIFIC – Make your goal specific and spell it out exactly.
  • M – MEANINGFUL & MEASURABLE – Why do you care and how will you know when it is accomplished?
  • A – ACTION – Act on your goal every day, small and bit actions.
  • R – REALISTIC – Is this realistic? If not, can you get close?
  • T – TIME – Designate time in your day, and a completion date.

Everything you do starts now.

Apositiva's Cherished Folk

Apositiva’s Cherished Folk

Here’s your Snapshot of 2014 in terms of “Six Honest Serving Men” by Rudyard Kipling: What, Why, When, How, Who and Where.

  • If your snapshot of 2014 is a better body, then start with what better foods, habits, and mindset.
  • If your snapshot of 2014 is changing old beliefs/making better beliefs, start with values of why.
  • If your snapshot of 2014 is more enjoyment, it begins with clarifying when and how.
  • If your snapshot of 2014 is about cherished folk, then identify who and where. “Click!”

Coaching keeps you on the path.

In coaching, we walk side-by-side with you to hold your vision, your snapshot of 2014 from your internal camera of your mind. In your Snapshot of 2014  – We Invite You to Click! Would you be willing to call Apositiva for a “free 60 minute sample coaching session,” because you make a difference?  Let’s begin, because you are in our snapshot of 2014 at Apositiva. Call us at 503-525-0595.