OMG, A Test Tomorrow?

Chat with Cat We all go through tests in life. Learning new skills, applying for licenses, acceptance into an organization or board.  How do you do it? Some people don’t mind a simple quiz and some enjoy the challenge, and others simply detest tests. In...

Paradigm of Respect

In fairness to you and me, how do we respect me and you?  Got rules? Got boundaries?   Listen to Audio of “Paradigm of Respect” Here: 2013_9_11 Paradigm of Respect [sc_embed_player fileurl=2013_9_11 Paradigm of Respect] Cat: This is a good time as...

Tips for College

Are you starting school or a workshop? Would you like to get some ideas on how a successful student works their mind? Here is a conversation with a student with Tips for College Audio of following: 2013_9_5 Tips for College with Rick blog Learn from Those Who...