by Cat | Oct 25, 2014 | Blog, Coaching
Lunch idea for Gluten-free eating with Cat Wilson of Apositiva. from Cat Wilson on Vimeo. You can make one change today by focusing on what you want to be now. What you put inside of you today becomes you tomorrow. If you have been eating food that doesn’t work...
by Cat | Feb 11, 2011 | Uncategorized
Dream Coaching – A Dream Telecourse Inspire. Dream. Live. Begins May 3rd, 2011 While you sit and contemplate what you wish you could be doing. Someone is doing just that! Isn’t it time you tool time to journey on a new path for you? Let’s check out...
by Cat | Feb 11, 2011 | Uncategorized
Resplendent Lives A Personal Development Experience for Women Sept. 16-18, 2011 (See 2015 Retreat) Hidden Lake Retreat re splend ent (ri splen’dent) adj. [ Latin re-, again + splendere, to shine] shining brightly; dazzling Feeling overstressed? Overstuffed,...
by Cat | Feb 11, 2011 | Uncategorized
Executive Coaching Workshop for Coaches! Are you ready to work with executives in your coaching practice? Want to get the tools and strategies? Well, this is the class for you. Dr. Marci Nemhauser and Cat Wilson are presenting a class just for you. This is for coaches...