Coaching Classes Begin at Apositiva Now

Hey, New Coaches! Getting ready for class this week-end at Apositiva, by polishing the training center and gathering the training goodies for YOU. Growing Coach Training Starts Now. This is a program for five week-ends, along with check-ins and learning. The program...

Choose to Do It Your Way!

Choosing which direction to go in your life can be a challenge. Five-year-olds seem to have an amazing confidence in that they can be anything they want when they grow up. It’s your life. Choose to do it your way! A college student is going to class and starts...

What Big Question Can Your Reach for?

In the world of coaching, the game is “Questions.” Like in the movie based on Hamlet “Rosencranz and Gildenstern are Dead” there is a question and an answer, and it pings back and forth in play. Do you want to play questions? Coaching players...