by Cat | Aug 27, 2018 | Classes, Coaching, Uncategorized
Hey, New Coaches! Getting ready for class this week-end at Apositiva, by polishing the training center and gathering the training goodies for YOU. Growing Coach Training Starts Now. This is a program for five week-ends, along with check-ins and learning. The program...
by Cat | May 11, 2016 | Classes, Coaching
Choosing which direction to go in your life can be a challenge. Five-year-olds seem to have an amazing confidence in that they can be anything they want when they grow up. It’s your life. Choose to do it your way! A college student is going to class and starts...
by Cat | Jun 29, 2014 | Coaching
In the world of coaching, the game is “Questions.” Like in the movie based on Hamlet “Rosencranz and Gildenstern are Dead” there is a question and an answer, and it pings back and forth in play. Do you want to play questions? Coaching players...