Wishes Fulfilled by Scholarship

What do you think “scholarship” means. The word scholarship can mean “academic study” or learning of a high level or it can be a “grant” awarded on the basis of achievement in life or school. Opportunity is the meaning that comes to...

Gluten-free, a Safe Place to Play

Gluten-free, a Safe Place to Play   Recently I made a visit home. How many of you go back to a safe place you used to call home? It’s an odd experience. Why? Well, because there is another me living back there that is still “her.” The 8-year-old...

What is and is not Coaching?

What Is and Is Not Coaching? FREE 90 Minute Coach Class: OCT. 15TH at 3pm Apositiva. This is an open and crazy time in life, and so many people are on a journey. Successful people talk about how their coaches help them reach their dreams. Coaching. Hmmm. Being the...