Seasons of Change with Cat Wilson

Nature reminds us that we move in a cycle of seasons as part of a bigger story of place, being, and time. In the season of winter you have the opportunity to rest, reflect, go inside. Here is an opportunity for you to explore and get inspiration to find meaning.

What is your meaning?

Do you have work that combines personal meaning, continued income, and makes a difference to your community or society?
Each person is endowed with natural abilities.  Nature adapts to suit the environment. I wonder what you know, that ability, that brings benefit and contribution.

Inspiration to Find Meaning

Earth is the place you came to discover, play, and grow. Let’s get inspired to find our meaning through intrigue, play, and nature’s example.
Three steps to be inspired and find your meaning.

  1. What intrigues you?
    Would you like to plan a discovery journey to know more?
    Make a mind-map on “Discovery Journey” and see what unconscious mind shows you.
  2. How do you play?
    When you were a child how did you want to play? As an adult how do you want to experience play again? Wonder. Imagine. Consider being a child for an hour or a day. How was playtime for you?
  3. If you were a seed, what part of nature are you?
    Nature shows examples of growth from a seed in the ground, in the water, even in the clouds. What kind of seed are you? Tree. Fruit. Vegetable. Landscape. Water. Air. Soil. Animal. In what environment do you grow best to bloom?

The seed planted inside knows the joys of you, the untamed self, how we commune with life, and the power of love. Let this inspiration guide you to a fuller and happier life.

In trust and faith for a life well lived, I let go and release my fears and extend my gifts like fruit to be enjoyed. I smile inside, knowing the seeds for the year will yield a new harvest. One to enjoy in the moment and to share in the lives of others.

You are part of a bigger story of place, being, and time. Get into your nature and become your highest and best you and enjoy life more!
I hope this inspired you to find meaning.
Apositiva is planted here to inspire you through life and business coaching, hypnotherapy, and training to enrich your life. We even share our best techniques with onsite classes, like Coach Training starting February and March 2019.

Mindfulness and More is $5 till January 31, 2019

Enrich your life through mindfulness training. Chock full of videos, audios, and tools for stopping a spinning mind, you get five hours of fun to enjoy in your own time and space. We understand that sometimes you just want to go faster or slower to practice.
The Mindfulness and More online self-paced experience is normally $145, but you can get it this month for $5. Click here to enroll. 
Learn more about Apositiva’s webinars by clicking here.
If you would like more inspiration and enrichment, we are here for you. Get the accomplishment seeds of your life’s joy and understanding in your discovery. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Happy New Year!