Visual Recording is Eye Candy

Visual Recording is Eye Candy Imagine students sitting and listening to a lecture on changing beliefs. Some of the participants doodled, some used colorful pens and took notes, and some mind mapped their speaker’s lecture. It’s all good here! In this class...

Happy Workaholics Day

Happy Workaholics Day What “wild card” did you draw from your deck? Is it the “Running Like Horses”? If so, today is your day to pick a movie and go watch it, or pick up the novel you haven’t finished and read it!  Taking care of yourself...


Projects   What if you had supportive people to help you with a project? How much could you accomplish in 30 days? Are you creative? Want to be? Portland, Oregon is a beautiful place and a creative place. Full of creative people. Lots of movies and new ideas are...

Cures, Exercises, Stress

Cures, Exercises, Stress   How does Ginger become the stuff in a jar? It’s a process. By the way, how are your processes done? What do  you think about Cures, Exercises, and Stress? Are you are needing attention in these areas? Perhaps you are seeking a...

Don't Compromise Yourself. You are all you've got.

“Don’t Compromise Yourself. You are all you’ve got.” Janis Joplin spoke through the power of a confident woman to all people, and especially women. Why? Because so many let their interests and ideas be stepped on and left to the wayside or they...

Breaking News

Breaking News! When you hear this statement do you get riled up? Do you wonder what awful thing is happening now? Or… do you get excited about a new cure for pain, a solution to a world problem, an agreement between sides in a conflict? Well, it’s up to...