Communication is the Response You Get

Do you ever watch how people communicate? Feel disconnected? How is your communication working for you? Women talk to women, guys talk to guys, people relate to children. People talk to other people. Is the communication response what you want? Watching conversations...

Connect a Higher Level Using Smell

Garden. Beach. Woods. How do you connect using smell? Walking through a pine forest can energize, strolling through a blooming rose garden can arouse, or sitting on a beach and smelling salty sea air can open you up?  Each location has smells that may connect you to...

Resplendent Lives – Week-end Retreat

Resplendent Lives A Personal Development Experience for Women Sept. 16-18, 2011 (See 2015 Retreat) Hidden Lake Retreat re splend ent (ri splen’dent) adj. [ Latin re-, again + splendere, to shine] shining brightly; dazzling Feeling overstressed? Overstuffed,...