by Cat | Apr 4, 2015 | Blog, Coaching, NLP
Creative and colorful, specific and exact, or do you interact with a specialized group, using special words and symbols which can be obfuscating to people who haven’t been out of their world lately. Here is an interesting concept for you to consider and a simple...
by Cat | Mar 6, 2014 | Classes, Coaching, Everyday Wisdom, NLP
In a delightful restaurant in downtown Portland last night, my son reminded me of one of my personal stories. I was 17 and used to go to a roller rink. Bob was an amazing skater and everyone wanted to be his partner. Skating was his super power! At the roller rink,...
by Cat | Dec 8, 2012 | Hypnotherapy, Uncategorized
Everybody Hurts Sometimes – Bell’s Palsy Stuff happens. Friends tell you, “Life is an adventure.” Yet when you hurt you don’t want to hear that from well-meaning friends. I know a person who recently experienced a difficult physical...