Decision Fatigue

“Email is so hard to get through. I feel tired having to deal with the spam.” “Yes, I know what you mean. I used to work for a government official and my job was to go through all mail. I separated out the most important items for the official to go...

Choose to Do It Your Way!

Choosing which direction to go in your life can be a challenge. Five-year-olds seem to have an amazing confidence in that they can be anything they want when they grow up. It’s your life. Choose to do it your way! A college student is going to class and starts...

Salon of Learning

Looking for support in developing a new skill?  Where do you go when you need a new look and some attention?  You go to a salon. Apositiva center is a “salon of learning” hypnosis, image work, mind-mapping, coaching, creativity, NLP, guided imagery, and...

Tapping for Longevity

Tapping for longevity may be the best kept secret of smart Seniors. Does it work? Yes. Today I gave a special presentation for a lovely group of seniors in an assisted living facility.  How did this come about? Allow me to explain. A lovely lady, a retired artist,...

Be Flexible – New Coach Training Dates

Being flexible is a good thing! I wish I would have had the opportunity to work with my instructors to push a class out, because life got busy. So, I’m granting that wish to my students! We are flexible. Our Coach Training Program has been moved out from...