In Order to Make a Change

Is it natural or a trance state, that we have grown accustomed to having things be a certain way in our lives? In order to make a change, you need to know what and where to begin. How about decisions, beliefs, and responses? There may even be comfort in having our...

What Is Your Code?

Creative and colorful, specific and exact, or do you interact with a specialized group, using special words and symbols which can be obfuscating to people who haven’t been out of their world lately. Here is an interesting concept for you to consider and a simple...

Put Your Time Where Your Money Is!

Are You Time Challenged? Bees are efficient. They have to be, because their life depends on it. How about you? Are you time challenged?  Want to be more efficient?  Here is an opportunity to learn more, earn more, and put your time where your money is!  TJ Helm is...

Inner Genius or Inner Critic?

“If you gave your inner genius as much credence as your inner critic you would be light years ahead of where you now stand.” – Alan Cohen   Inner Genius or Inner Critic? This past weekend we held a workshop designed to help people gain new ideas on how to...

Reach Higher to Synergism

syn er gy –  Greek [sun – together] + [ergon – work] = [sunergos – working together] What is Synergism?  I went to the dictionary.  One dictionary didn’t have the word, although the first known use of the Latin “synergia” was...