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“I feel absolutely wonderful, and I know this new day brings me closer to my potential!”  Imagine your day in a clear and healthy moment.  Wonderful!  While there are lots of ways towards personal development, anyone who wants to reach their potential...

IT's a FUN Strange

Animal communication is amazing. Every morning  little cat Alexa needs to follow through her ritual. She waits for her master to make his cup of coffee and sit on the couch so that she can sit next to him. Just sit, purr, feel his gentle stroking on her fur. He is the...

Before You Take the Call, Pause

Ring! Ring! Ring! Phone calls can startle us! It takes you out of the moment. What is the call bringing? Challenge or joy? The uncertainty can drive the thoughts to strange places. Anxiety. Fear. Surprise. Your mind and body respond with primal stress. You can prepare...

Because we are human.

Every day we wake up. The sky is there, the body has it’s sensations. We live each day and fight hard to have what we think we want. Yet, why does any of it matter? In my brain of Cat Wilson I am curious. In the light of a life snuffed what do you think about?...

Get Your Head On Straight

Do you ever feel off balanced? Head too heavy? Body bumping? Maybe what you want is to “get your head on straight.” Where do you start? Wanting is when you have expectations about having things in a certain way. It doesn’t feel like your life is...

Life Granola

“Just made this tonight. It’s wonderful.”  Yum! A recipe arrived from my son … and it made me think. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could mix all the very best ingredients up in a large bowl, bake it and have a wonderful life? This is Cat Wilson with a lovely and...