How Can You Make a Difference? Volunteer.

Life is complicated.  Relationships, economy, environment, you name it! So what can you do about it? Begin where you are now. Think Outside Holidays sadly can bring up lots of stuff.  Got a relative who shuns you or your family members?  Dealing with heartbreak? You...

Coaching Students Graduate!

Today, our Growing Coach Team graduated with honors!  What does it feel like to know you have graduated? Here is a personal interview with coaches graduating from Apositiva. Cat: So, Linda, how does it feel now that you’ve completed the Growing Coach Training...

Spaces in Your Togetherness

Does your relationship need a refresh?  Kahil Gibran suggests, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness.” Kahlil Gibran basically suggests friends and couples to take separate time to renew … apart. One way that comes to mind right away for me is to...


NLP and HYPNOSIS CLASS   Want to learn just a little bit more about what NLP and Hypnosis might be like?   Here’s your “Golden Opportunity” to check it out! Apositiva offers NLP and Hypnosis in a series of two sections: 1) Essentials and 2)...

Paradigm of Respect

In fairness to you and me, how do we respect me and you?  Got rules? Got boundaries?   Listen to Audio of “Paradigm of Respect” Here: 2013_9_11 Paradigm of Respect [sc_embed_player fileurl=2013_9_11 Paradigm of Respect] Cat: This is a good time as...