by Cat | Sep 28, 2018 | Blog, Classes, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy, NLP
Walking in the forest can remind you of the peace in life. The trees remind you of growth and reaching deep. Leaves remind you of letting go, as well as the changes in each season. Mix Nature and Hypnosis A recipe for hypnosis is to gather the elements of nature, such...
by Cat | Jun 1, 2016 | Coaching, Hypnotherapy
Where did my friend go? They disappeared! We used to have a good link! If you wonder about your links and wish you had an answer you’ll enjoy this article about using meditating to connect links. Many of us lead busy lives in a fast changing world. It only...
by Cat | Jan 3, 2016 | Blog, Classes, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Uncategorized
Can you learn everything online? Can’t you simply stand on the other side of the fence and watch? Or do you need to be in the experience? How can you learn the architecture of Hypnotherapy and NLP? If you want to learn what a city is like you need to go into a...