Decision Fatigue

“Email is so hard to get through. I feel tired having to deal with the spam.” “Yes, I know what you mean. I used to work for a government official and my job was to go through all mail. I separated out the most important items for the official to go...

IT's a FUN Strange

Animal communication is amazing. Every morning  little cat Alexa needs to follow through her ritual. She waits for her master to make his cup of coffee and sit on the couch so that she can sit next to him. Just sit, purr, feel his gentle stroking on her fur. He is the...

Coaching Students Graduate!

Today, our Growing Coach Team graduated with honors!  What does it feel like to know you have graduated? Here is a personal interview with coaches graduating from Apositiva. Cat: So, Linda, how does it feel now that you’ve completed the Growing Coach Training...