Prime the Field

Words can lift you. Words can direct an action. Words can create a state. Words can prime you to respond a certain way. Which words do you use to prime your field? Prime the Field Coaches prime the field or atmosphere for their clients with words and states. Coaches...

Coaching Students Graduate!

Today, our Growing Coach Team graduated with honors!  What does it feel like to know you have graduated? Here is a personal interview with coaches graduating from Apositiva. Cat: So, Linda, how does it feel now that you’ve completed the Growing Coach Training...

Resplendent Lives – Week-end Retreat

Resplendent Lives A Personal Development Experience for Women Sept. 16-18, 2011 (See 2015 Retreat) Hidden Lake Retreat re splend ent (ri splen’dent) adj. [ Latin re-, again + splendere, to shine] shining brightly; dazzling Feeling overstressed? Overstuffed,...