Oatmeal Weather Resource

It’s that time of year again, where we feel the wind changing. Cool breathes of morning remind the thermostat to blow heat. Are you noticing yourself snuggling up stubbornly in pillow and blankets, tipping the button on your alarm for 15 more minutes? Must be oatmeal...

Because we are human.

Every day we wake up. The sky is there, the body has it’s sensations. We live each day and fight hard to have what we think we want. Yet, why does any of it matter? In my brain of Cat Wilson I am curious. In the light of a life snuffed what do you think about?...

Get Your Head On Straight

Do you ever feel off balanced? Head too heavy? Body bumping? Maybe what you want is to “get your head on straight.” Where do you start? Wanting is when you have expectations about having things in a certain way. It doesn’t feel like your life is...

Have You FODMAP'd Lately?

Are you on a special diet?  Or as Garfield the cat would say “Die with a T.” There seems to be a different diet for every person I meet.  It’s important to have harmony in your diet. What is FODMAP? When I worked in the dietary department of a...