by Cat | Feb 10, 2019 | Blog, Coaching, Uncategorized
Looking for ideas on how to get energized? Maybe you’ve been staring at the refrigerator, thinking of cleaning it, but just don’t have the mojo. Maybe you want to get started on a work project, but your spirit is just not there. Here is a quick tip. When...
by Cat | Jan 4, 2019 | Advice, Blog, Character, Classes, Coaching, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy
Nature reminds us that we move in a cycle of seasons as part of a bigger story of place, being, and time. In the season of winter you have the opportunity to rest, reflect, go inside. Here is an opportunity for you to explore and get inspiration to find meaning. What...
by Cat | Sep 18, 2018 | Advice, Classes, Coaching, Everyday Wisdom
Play Do you play? Play is what you do to have fun. What defines play? One definition of play is: to amuse oneself, entertain oneself, enjoy, relax, frolic, frisk, to move or function freely, perform, or spontaneous activity of children. According to Perri Klass, M.D....
by Cat | May 17, 2018 | Coaching
School is finishing. It’s a time of change for kids, and summer vacation is great! “I’m a second grader now! Yay! We get the summer to go fish, go play!” It works for kids. How about bigger kids? Young adults who graduate from High School or College are in for a...