by Cat | Oct 19, 2018 | Blog, Coaching, Everyday Wisdom, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Uncategorized
Do you live in a busy world? Are you a city-dweller who is feeling anxious or moody? A mind in a city is different than a mind in nature. A busy world can create disharmony in the brain. City-dwellers face more stress than people who live in rural places, according to...
by Cat | Sep 28, 2018 | Blog, Classes, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy, NLP
Walking in the forest can remind you of the peace in life. The trees remind you of growth and reaching deep. Leaves remind you of letting go, as well as the changes in each season. Mix Nature and Hypnosis A recipe for hypnosis is to gather the elements of nature, such...
by Cat | Sep 27, 2018 | Classes, Coaching, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy
How and where does a person train to become a hypnotist? Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy training are available in a number of modalities, including experiential workshops, online training, book learning, listening to audio classes, or mentorship. As an instructor and...
by Cat | Aug 9, 2017 | Blog, Classes, Coaching, Hynotherapy, NLP, Uncategorized
Live a Higher Life! NLP Master Practitioner Program – Starting January, 2017 Yes! Become a Master! You graduated from the NLP Practitioner or you received your Practitioner at a different training center. You are ready to move on and become a Master...
by Cat | May 11, 2016 | Blog, Classes, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy, NLP
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin When I see people in public places and sketch them, I am attracted to their energy. It’s taken me almost a year to develop a truly intuitive sense of sketching and see this...
by Cat | Apr 13, 2016 | Classes, Hynotherapy, Hypnotherapy
What is the difference between Mindfulness and Hypnosis? Come and find out. This week-end we will give a sampler on hypnosis and mindfulness. Sampler: Basic Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness Dates: April 16 and 17 Times: Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & Sunday...