Life Granola

“Just made this tonight. It’s wonderful.”  Yum! A recipe arrived from my son … and it made me think. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could mix all the very best ingredients up in a large bowl, bake it and have a wonderful life? This is Cat Wilson with a lovely and...

Have You FODMAP'd Lately?

Are you on a special diet?  Or as Garfield the cat would say “Die with a T.” There seems to be a different diet for every person I meet.  It’s important to have harmony in your diet. What is FODMAP? When I worked in the dietary department of a...

Recital in Your Ear?

Ring, Ring!  Chirp, Chirp! Hummmmm.  Do you experience ringing in your ear called tinnitus?  Has your doctor and ENT specialist done all they could?  Are you open to other options? Hypnotherapy may be an option. Recital in Your Ear? Recently I went to my daughter’s...

Interrupted from the Dream?

In our daily life we have 24 hours a day. How you use it is up to you. For those of you who get a fleeting idea from the Muse or schedule time to meditate or mindfulness or any special activity that brings you joy, it is important to learn tools to honor your spaces....