by Cat | Jan 25, 2017 | Blog, Classes, Everyday Wisdom, Hypnotherapy, NLP
Upcoming Series of Mastery Skills Training Webinar and Experiential Classes Hypnotherapy, NLP, and More! Once you get a taste of the fun, food and frolic people experience in learning you will want to keep growing. If you like a casual atmosphere, where people...
by Cat | Mar 22, 2016 | Coaching, Hypnotherapy, NLP
Tapping for longevity may be the best kept secret of smart Seniors. Does it work? Yes. Today I gave a special presentation for a lovely group of seniors in an assisted living facility. How did this come about? Allow me to explain. A lovely lady, a retired artist,...
by Cat | Mar 18, 2015 | Classes, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Uncategorized
… you are a light being, made of light. You have strength inside that can shine through you. Learn how to use energy healing to enhance your life. The Egyptians knew you were made of light, and wrote about it in the Book of the Dead. As light beings we all...
by Cat | Jan 28, 2015 | Blog
Did you ever have a day that simply went weird and crazy? Despite all attempts of normality, the world simply wasn’t normal. Such a day can be frustrating! How does a person calm down when frustrated or emotionally flooded? EFT. Today was such a day. Funny that it...
by Cat | Sep 26, 2013 | Blog, Classes, Coaching, NLP
Chat with Cat We all go through tests in life. Learning new skills, applying for licenses, acceptance into an organization or board. How do you do it? Some people don’t mind a simple quiz and some enjoy the challenge, and others simply detest tests. In...