Smoking is So Elegant

Smoking is so elegant… or so people used to think. I quit over 37 years ago, so I’m a great testimony that it’s possible. It means a lot to me to help a person overcome a habit that does them so much harm. If you are a smoker or know someone who is,...

Positive Changes Hypnosis

No one wants to be a closing business, nor a customer of it. Our sympathies to the business employees and clients of the Positive Changes Hypnosis that closed its doors. Here is a story at on the closing. We have no affiliation with Positive Changes, but we...

Broken Links

Where did my friend go? They disappeared!  We used to have a good link! If you wonder about your links and wish you had an answer you’ll enjoy this article about using meditating to connect links. Many of us lead busy lives in a fast changing world. It only...

Decision Fatigue

“Email is so hard to get through. I feel tired having to deal with the spam.” “Yes, I know what you mean. I used to work for a government official and my job was to go through all mail. I separated out the most important items for the official to go...