Better Sleep = Better Performance

Let’s talk about “lack of sleep” and a way to improve sleep. Hi, Rich Aanrich here! People seem to think that you need to have eight to 10 hours of sleep every night. And recently I’ve been reading some new information that gives a different perspective on how to get...

Destress the Holiday

It’s time for joy, family, and holiday fun! However, the holidays can be stressful. Let’s take a walk. Managing holidays, maintaining technical things like phones and calendars and computers, and adding holiday activities can create an overactive brain....


Lullaby for SleepSleep is hard for many people.  Let’s try one idea.  Baby’s sleep pretty well. How did you fall asleep when you were a child? Maybe a parent or guardian sang you a song or gave you a story to hold in your head. I would like to share...

And Did You Like It?

Storytelling can be a very rich experience. It can entertain, delight, and teach. My mom used to tell us stories on the rocking chair… ah … fond memories. During the Growing Coach Training we told our favorite children’s stories. Students practiced getting...