Your Path

“Following another’s path leads to who they are, not to who you are.”   People tell me that they see others doing something they want to do, and yet they are living another life with distinctly different values and views.  Opportunity shows up every...

Awakening the Inner Samurai

How do you know you are awake?  I mean, really aware and enlightened?  What is the story you carry inside you? I watched a Spiritual Cinema Circle movie called “A Monk’s Awakening” on Motivation Thursday here at Apositiva. This is an early, early...

OLPs to Perks to Feel Better

OLPs to Perks to Feel Better   Do you wake up with “OLPs” Obnoxious Little Pains? This is when parts of you feel achy, slow, just not all 100{8b3a2f999ba59642dfe826ddd554f6c9ff0174d7b182d4f1913e29042ced5c7c} happy.  You do if you find yourself saying...

The Bond

“In order to understand a person, we must temporarily merge with them,” at least according to a new book by Lynne McTaggart called “The Bond.” And how exactly is that? McTaggart uses the many studies of scientists and neurologists to decipher...

18 Big Life Questions

18 BIG LIFE QUESTIONS Big Questions help you discover HOW YOU will DO what you do. Becoming the Master of Your World involves answering BIG Questions and choosing how to respond to life. Today’s NLP Master Training with Cat Wilson and Richard Aanrich of...