Inspiring – Cat's Art Show May 2016

In April one Starbucks location began featuring my Cafe Characters. Another location asked to show them in May. This is so much fun that I wish I had more place for my characters to go on tour. How did this happen? Few people have known that one of my desires as a...

Cafe Character Art Show

It’s been nine (9) months, and in checking the rough estimate I’ve made over 500 sketches.  My sketches and a preliminary “start” of a book are on display at a local Starbucks. Want to know more? How did this happen? Read on. As many of my...

Use Your Handicaps

At the level where you are at …  you are a “Master.”  Isn’t that nice to know! Yet, many people do not have a “masterful” feeling when they feel handicapped. Negativity can sometimes get you stuck. How do you change a state of...

What Will Your Kid Remember?

I’d like to think that I’ve been a good parent. Kids are tough judges. I wonder what will your kid remember? I watch a lot of people in and out of our center. Kids and parents are some of my favorites. When a parent has a deadline and brings their child...

Despite the Noise

Today I witnessed a beautiful person in action, despite the noise of background stuff. My younger daughter Cynthia asked me if I would make a recording as she played the guitar and sang for making Christmas presents. I’m almost crying as I write this blog....